Children with cerebral palsy: The impact of ankle-foot orthoses on gait function after lower-limb surgery
Onsdagen den 8 november, kl 12.00-13.00
Ingrid Skaaret, Ortopediingeniør (PhD), førsteamanuensis, OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet, Institutt for rehabiliteringsvitenskap og helseteknologi, föreläser om sin avhandling (2021) på engelska:
Children with cerebral palsy (CP) often undergo orthopaedic lower limb surgery to correct malalignments, improve and maintain functional gait. In the post-operative period ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are used to support standing and walking, and to preserve the surgical corrections.
In a cohort of ambulating children with bilateral (n=34) and unilateral (n=33) spastic CP we used three-dimensional (3D) gait analysis, and an observational, repeated measures design to evaluate impacts of AFOs on relevant gait variables one year postoperatively. We hypothesized that the children may have residual gait problems after surgery and that orthoses provide mechanical support to enhance gait.
After surgery, major improvements included the gait profile score (GPS), kinematic and kinetic variables, whereas walking speed and step length declined.
Walking with AFOs enhanced walking speed and step length. Children with bilateral CP showed further improvements in the GPS, stance ankle dorsiflexion and knee extension moments. Remaining crouch was reduced in children who used ground reaction AFOs.
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